Monday, February 4, 2013

To Crawl or Not to Crawl?

This past month has marked the end of Emma's stagnant behavior.  We have entered into the phase of wanting to walk or crawl all over the house.  Currently walking has ended up with more votes because it allows fast movement.

But crawling has proved a close second as well as a viable skill when adult is not available to assist Emma.  It does not matter the surface that she needs to scale, Emma is one determined little workhorse.  She easily makes her way up the stairs, crawls across the living room carpet and stomps her way behind Alli shrieking the whole time.  

In Emma’s mind, she and Alli have become best friends even though Alli has not yet accepted the invitation.  One thing Alli and Emma do have in common is a love for stuffed animals (preferably not their own).  Emma loves to steal Alli’s toys just as much as Alli loves to steal hers.  Both can’t resist taking things away from one another.

 Over the river and up the stairs to Emma's bedroom we go...

 Beware the Atomic Powered Robot


  1. Go Emma Go! It's so fun when they become mobile! Emma is such a cutie - and looks like such a happy girl!

  2. Darn! I missed the videos!
    Aunt S.
