Monday, February 4, 2013

February is the Month of Love

Mommy and Daddy don't really get into the the whole Valentine's Day spirit each year, but Emma seems to have other plans.  Ever since she has learned to crawl and stand on her own, no one can keep her away from the vacuum!  It was love at first BUZZ.  Emma is drawn to the vacuum's cool purple exterior as well as his extendo tube that stretches quite a few feet.  When vacuum is turned on, Emma watches in both trepidation and intense fascination.  All of the lights and the spinning debris visible from vacuum's transparent stomach cause Emma to want to get closer.  Of course when vacuum is turned on and she approaches, the two end up having a screaming match.  Vacuum usually wins.  Thank you vacuum for making this Valentine's Day a special one for Emma and providing Mommy with a great way to explain personification to her students.

Hi, my name is Emma.  What is yours?

 Mommy, you can't separate us.  We belong together!

Vacuum allows me to stand unaided by human hands.

 He sits and watches me play on a blanket that he would love to destroy.

 Please turn vacuum on again so I can see him process his lunch.

1 comment:

  1. That symbiotic draping in purple must have something to do with the attraction of baby to machine....
    Aunt S.
