Friday, March 7, 2025

Impressive Work

Emma impressed her English teacher with her comic of Hamlet. He usually doesn't give out high scores on anything but Emma did an outstanding job. She has a talent for writing and drawing. Right now she is working on a 3D art project featuring our house in art class.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Snow Day

We received over 8 inches of snow yesterday. The girls and Erin had no school. After shoveling the driveway we spent some time building forts and a snow elephant in the backyard. We also went to Lenten services mid-day. It was nice to have time to relax and enjoy one last snowstorm before spring.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

President's Day Weekend

We spent a lot of time cross country skiing on the Gateway trail and on White Bear Lake this past weekend. Erin and Dan went out for a Valentine's comedy show at our local Mahtomedi bar. The girls stayed home but got a bit worried when we were fifteen minutes late coming back from the show. The snow caused the comedians to be a bit late arriving to the location. On Sunday, the girls went ice skating with Dan in Birchwood on an outdoor rink and Erin took them to open skate at the Vadnais Sports Center on Monday. While at the Sports Center, the girls met up with Emma's friend Hannah and her younger sister. Erin got an extra day off school because of the freezing cold temps on Tuesday. The girls were bummed because their school was still in session.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Galantines Sleepover

Emma's friend group had a Galantine's sleepover this year at Nevaeh's house. We appreciate that families that go to our school limit screen time at their homes. The girls couldn't have their phones on the same floor as where they slept and they were required to complete interactive activities together. They played board games, painted nails, made tacos in a bag and hung out. Emma is lucky to have a welcoming friend group, something hard to find for most teens.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Tempest

Analise was Trinculo in the fifth grade play this year. Like always she memorizes everything so quickly. We didn't even have to rehearse the lines and she knew exactly what she needed to say. It is hard to believe we are almost done with the elementary years!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Cold Temps Continue

We are making it through the cold temps in January and February by completing science fair projects and going cross country skiing. Analise has the greenhouse effect for her science fair project this year. We spent time creating houses with and without windows to see the change in temperature when light can get into a home. Analise found that the temps rise dramatically with more windows and light coming in.
We spent time out on the Gateway trail near our house cross country skiing as well. This next week, we are looking forward to hearing what the girls' teachers say about them in class. Then Erin and Dan are headed to a comedy show for Valentine's day.
Analise had her final gymnastics competition for the year. She once again got first overall. Her team got first as well. Way to go Analise! Keep up the hard work. She has already started the moves for her next level up.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

A Very Cold Weekend with Competitions

This weekend we had a late night competition for Analise. Driving down to Park High School in Cottage Grove at 3 pm and returning home at 9 pm was a lot. They have an amazing gymnasium though. It is fun to see Analise so happy and in her element. She received first all around again as well as first on many events. Vault is the one event she is not too crazy about, but she is working on it. She has one more competition in February left before we go back to normal gymnastic practices. It is fun hearing her name called for gold so many times. Emma came along this time to see the judging. It was good to have someone else there to pass the time.
First on Bar
First on Beam
First All Around
Stillwater Team Came in First

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Emma is Famous

Emma and Analise seem to get their pictures on programs, in papers and bulletins more than we realize. At the Bell Museum, Hazel, Sylvia and Emma worked hard on some experiments last summer and became good friends in the process. Last week Emma got a text from the girls saying that they made it into the museum magazine. Gotta love girls participating in science explorations!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Gymnastics Competitions Continue

A first for Analise today. She received first place all around for her meet. She stuck her beam today and did not fall off at all. I guess gymnastics is here to stay. Erin was hoping the passion would slowly die down and a new sport might be picked but this one seems to be Analise's sport.