Monday, August 13, 2018

Irish Fair

My goodness, this year was a hot one for Irish Fair.  The girls were completely wiped out even after our first day of dancing in ninety degree weather.  The heat lead to lots and lots of whining.  Thank goodness for gargantuan freezy pops that can be used for bribery as well as backyard swimming pools.  Every single day seemed to be consumed by preparing to dance, waiting in unbearable heat, dancing and then trying to recooperate from all the excitement.  In Mom's opinion, the best part of the weekend was definitely playing in the pool after everything was over.  Dad and Mom even got in the mini pool and did some running belly flops.  Dad had the girls play 500 in the pool and Mom created a shark attack game where the girls clung to the sides of the pool and were pulled backwards by their feet.  Of course there was loads of giggles and "Do it agains" being uttered.

Emma was very thankful she was allowed to wear the summer dance outfit instead of the full dress that the other girls were wearing.  Yes, as seen below, they have on velvet with long sleeves, long leg stocking and wigs in 90 plus degree weather.  Analise's group even had a special glue that they attached to their legs so their socks would stay up.  Emma asked Mom if she could wear a tank top like the older girls.  She thought they were so lucky.  Mom just reminded her that it was lucky she was in a t-shirt with her school logo and the full dress was left hanging in her closet.  She was very thankful at that point.  Unfortunately, Mom was so focused on getting a video for Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bruce so they could see the girls that she didn't end up getting a picture that could be put on the blog for Analise's group (I was just lucky to catch Emma's group at the end).  During the winter dance performance we will be sure to get a photo with Analise's group members.

Emma's group
Gwyneth, Sophia, Maura, Aurelia and Emma (teachers Kate and Lillie)

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