Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Scribe or Pirate Life for Us?

Yesterday Emma wrote her first word all by herself.  After successfully writing "mom", she practiced it over and over again.  She also accidentally made a "Q" which caused us to begin to learn the letters for the word queen.  In addition to queen, Emma knows how to write a capital letter "E" and is working on her lower case "a."  Very soon she will be able to write her own name.  Mommy thinks in a few short months Emma would be considered for scribe training.  Too bad we don't live in Egyptian times and that they refused to train girls.

Besides her writing skills, Emma has really taken off in her singing abilities.  She has created her own first song titled, "Three Little Apples"

Three little apples hanging on a tree
along came daddy with a Paddy for me
(there is something else in here I can't remember)
He plucked that apple right off the tree
and away he went, as happy as can be
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

As for Ani, the little kiddo can't get enough of words that people use.  In the past few weeks, she has become a little parrot.  Mommy has heard her stringing together full sentences with four or five words.  Perhaps she will find her calling with a bunch of pirates.  Besides sentences, she can now recite the full alphabet, sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" as well as say other nursery rhymes in their entirety.  Mommy has even caught her singing the song that Emma made up all by herself.

Analise also loves to draw.  She holds her pincer grasp correctly and loves to make circles.  As she makes them, she shouts circle, circle, circle with ever increasing volume.  Mommy is currently training her in the art of triangles by using syllables as we make each side.

Maybe we won't make it as scribes or pirates, but we definitely have some artists in the family.

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