Monday, March 3, 2014

Valentine's Day and Grandma's 100th Birthday

Lots of exciting events filled this past month.  Besides the birth of Analise, Emma celebrated Valentine's Day at her school with Grandma Walczynski and Great-grandma Kubacki celebrated her 100th Birthday.

At Emma's Valentine's Day party, each student handed Valentine's out to each classmate and wished them a Happy Valentine's Day.  Emma was especially excited about giving a Valentine to her friend Thomas.  Thomas and Lula are friends we hear about regularly from school.  In addition to passing out Valentine's Emma's group sang a special song and had a Valentine's lunch together.

For Grandma's 100th Birthday Party, everyone dressed in yellow.  At first Emma was a bit overwhelmed by all the guests at the party.  However, once she found her cousins, she became more engaged in the event.  Lots of pictures were taken and many candles blown out.  A special essay written by Aunt Jeanne was shared with the group before final goodbyes were said.

 Grandma and Emma together for the celebration

 Emma's teachers, Laurie and Kate

 Emma and her good friend Lula singing

 Emma reflecting on the day

 Emma eating with Thomas, Lula and Kayla
 The whole gang together

 Emma with Great-grandma and Aunt Sharon

Emma and Great-grandma

 Emma, Grandma (with her eyes shut again), Great-grandma and Aunt Sharon
Emma held so still, she almost looks like a doll.
 Cousins Riley and Ava entertaining Emma

 Stay back from the candles, Emma

 Wow, I love having older cousins
 Okay, I am not so sure about these noise makers

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