Sunday, April 14, 2013

Love Sick

Emma had her first kiss from a boy yesterday while we visited the library.  At the Maplewood Public Library, they have many new toys that kids can use to pretend.  Emma was standing near the fake oak tree watching other kids play with stuffed animals.  There was a boy about 18 months old who was following Mommy and Emma around quite a bit.  Emma was soaking up all the interactions when the boy stood really close to her.  She smiled.  Mommy thought that he just wanted to smile back or maybe give her a hug.  Nope.  He slowly moved in and kissed her on the lips.  At that point Mommy's mouth dropped.  The first thing she ended up saying was, "No." Then out came a, "Thank you, but no."  Emma didn't seem to be as shocked by this affection as Mommy was.  Hopefully she is not kissing all the boys at daycare too.  If she is, we are going to have a bunch of sick little boys.  Emma once again has a virus.  Before the library we had just finished visiting the doctor.

When we were at the doctor's office, Emma was pretty cute.  She waited patiently for the doctor to talk with her.  When the doctor asked if she could use the light to look in her ear, she responded with an, "Ok."  We also loved watching the fish in doctor's office waiting area.

1 comment:

  1. Emma is pretty hard to resist. Sweet little boy couldn't help himself. Hope he doesn't get a cold!
