Monday, July 16, 2012

Would You Like to Be Friends?

Today Emma and Clare had their first get together.  Mommy and her friend Colleen got a chance to catch up while the girls used telepathy to communicate with each other.  Clare and Emma were born about a week apart and both the mommies are hoping they become good friends.  Clare was great and slept through the entire visit.  Emma decided that she wanted to cause a bit of trouble.  You can see her in the picture crying at the injustice of having to meet when it was hot outside.  Emma tried to wrap Clare into her fight for baby rights, but Clare just remained calm and quiet.  Colleen and Mommy joked that Emma might become a rabble rouser in the future.

 Emma raising Cain while Clare sleeps soundly

Once we returned home, Emma took a bath, was fed and spent some quality time relaxing next to her current best friend, Seahorse (Thank you Conrad for this amazing toy!  If anything ever happens to Seahorse Mommy and Daddy will go crazy trying to buy another one).  After some relaxation, Emma fell into a deep slumber...

 Emma back at home relaxing with Seahorse

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