Monday, July 18, 2016

Week with Grandma and Grandpa

The girls spent the past week with Grandma and Grandpa Walczynski.  Much time was spent playing at a variety of playgrounds, swimming at the beach and visiting family members in Duluth.  Every night the girls came home describing a new playground they had explored.  Thank you so much for spending time with our girls!

 Arcade Games
 Visiting Godmother Annie
 Visiting Great Aunt Marchie
 The Freezing Waters of Lake Superior

 Swings and more swings

 Hide and Seek
 Learning how to windsurf

Ani and Emma Summer 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016

A Week with Grandma Jan and Aunt Becky

Emma and Ani spent the last week in June with Grandma Jan and Aunt Becky.  We were so fortunate to have them spending time with the girls as Mommy attempts to get her Montessori degree and Daddy works hard at his job.  The week was filled with cooking lessons, beach visits, farmer's market adventures, Children's Museum explorations and crazy Kinetic sand on the deck.  Emma has worn the necklace Becky gave her every day since her visit.  Thank you both so much for all the time you gave to our girls.  They are so blessed to have you in their life.

Discovery Hollow Sand Play
Watering plants in the garden
Downtown White Bear
Cooking Class is now in session
Stories....and I Spy (Ani's favorite)