Wednesday, June 15, 2016

It's My Party...Finally

Since Emma's birthday falls on Memorial weekend, we decided to hold off on a birthday with kids from school until more families were in town. Although Emma was a bit confused about when her party would be, and constantly asked when she was going to have cake, the day finally arrived.  This year we visited the Tamarack Nature Center and played in the outdoor play area.  Each child received their own digging tools for playing in the sand and water.  Of course the highlight for Emma was the pizza and cake as well as the gifts she received from friends.  Emma was very excited that our new neighbor, Prince was able to attend the party as well.  He had his first experience eating pizza while at Emma's celebration.

Of all the gifts Emma received, the one she has used most is Liam's spirograph.  Mommy is fascinated by the geometrical patterns and math that can be found in the activity.  Although the package says it is for children eight and older, Emma is a pro at handling the pens and circular tools with care.  A big thank you to grandma Kathy for baking the pizza and keeping the cake refrigerated until we needed it.  Although the day was really hot, all the kids were real troopers.

 Attack of the noise makers

 Liam, Autumn, Ani, Miles, Lula, Sylvia, Emma and Katie

 Prince trying out pizza for the first time
 Ani proudly singing "Happy Birthday" to Emma
 Hope your wish comes true...
Grandma Kathy and Emma

 Enjoying cake
 Time to strengthen the unwrapping skills

Monday, June 6, 2016

End of Year Celebration

Emma and Ani both did wonderfully at their end of the year performances.  Ani and her group showed more confidence when getting up in front of the entire community.  They sang "Happy Birthday" to the school and "If You are Happy and You Know It."  Emma enjoyed the song "Inch by Inch" that her group sang.  After the performance, we enjoyed treats, a magic show about confidence and spending time with friends.  Miles and Sylvia will be attending new schools next year.

 The toddler train
 Trying to figure out what is going on
 Building up confidence
 The Children's House sings proud and strong
 Front Row Lillian, Mia, Lena, Emma, Autumn, Lula, Miles
Second Row Alex, Catherine, Ojal, Marcus, Kayla

 Paula (another one of Emma's good friends) was squeezed in next to Lena

Good Friends: Katie, Emma and Lula