Monday, January 21, 2013

My New Best Friend Alli

Emma discovered today that Alli is her new best friend, because she's hilarious!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Beauty and the Beast

Emma spent part of her evening exploring the vast world of her bedroom while I read a portion of Beauty and the Beast to her.

Books, Bathtime, and Cameras

Emma loves bathtime and cameras.  She loves having her picture taken, and she loves it even more when she can look at pictures and videos of herself.  She had a very long bath tonight - she splished and spashed to her heart's content, sending water in every direction and creating tidal waves in her tub.  I finally had to take her out of the bath because the water was getting cold.  She's going to be a real water baby!

Daddy gave me crazy hair after bathtime! 
Books are another one of Emma's passions in life.  She loves exploring all of the book shelves we have scattered throughout the house.  Right now, she mostly likes chewing on the paper and looking at pictures, but someday we might have a bookworm on our hands.

Look Mom, I'm tending the Maas family library!

Just Another Saturday

What's that you say?

Mirror, Mirror, on the Floor...who's the cutest of them all?

You're way up there, and I'm way down here!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Some Old and Some New

Emma received many new gifts over the holiday season.  Her two favorites include her new fluffy rug for her bedroom and her four-wheel, magical princess motor car that she inherited from Ava and Alton.  It looks as though we just needed some carpet to get Emma moving.  Unfortunately, Alli also loves the carpet and has tried many times to stink it up.  Thank goodness for the gates we have installed on both stairs!

What is this stuff?  It is so soft! 

Queen Emma passing through her domain...Listen for the lovely sounds she sends throughout the land as she visits her loyal subjects